Dagnabit! You got me. Gotham? Didn't see that one coming by a longshot. wallbash

Great chapter, again, as always. The whole passage about Clark on his own really cut me deep. Very powerful descriptions, even just about him being excited to find the abandoned cabin mecry His realization too that he's no longer a danger to people was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Poor Clark not even realizing he thought he was a danger to humanity.

Now, on to the juicy bit... Who is this inquisitive stranger? I suppose it could be Bruce, I don't know the age differences between them. Maybe it's Thomas Wayne, if Bruce is younger. Or *shudders* it couldn't possibly be Lex, could it? That would be... diabolical. Or fabulous. angel-devil

Either way I'm excited for more.

P.S. the detail about the craft store really sank the realism in for me as well... since I work for Michaels... and I've done that. goofy

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain