Hello everyone.

I’m not sure how many are still here who remember me. I was very active here from 2008 through around 2014. However, due to job and life changes, I drifted away from the LnC universe. Most of my contact has been through ongoing interactions with Morgana. I remember back in 2010 or 2011 when I once asked Labrat why she stopped writing. Her response was that her muse left and never came back. At the time I didn’t understand how that could happen. Well, in late 2014 I found out.

When Morgana told me that she was going to have a tribute in her Forever crossover, I decided that it would be a good time for me to come out of hiding and reappear in the community. So I hope that by having an active participation I will coax my muse out of hiding and maybe I’ll write something.

One thing I wanted to share. Those who remember my stories may remember that many of them tend to be WAFFY and most of those are dedicated to my wife Beverly. (Who just made an appearance in Morgana’s “Waiting for a Lady.”) Bev and I have been married for just over 36 years. It has been amazing and I wish everyone could have as good a relationship as Bev and I have shared during our life together.

In February, Bev was diagnosed with Stage 3 Multiple Myeloma (bone marrow cancer.) She has been undergoing aggressive chemo this year which has pushed the cancer into a chemo-dependent remission. We are about to relocate to Stanford Medical Center for a few months where she will undergo a stem cell transplant in the hope to push the cancer into long term, non-chemo dependent remission.

So, if you are so inclined, please say a prayer for Beverly. She is as amazing as they come.

As for me, I’m going to try to stay around.


Last edited by bobbart; 10/05/17 12:18 PM.