KathyB! I'm so glad that you loved your birthday present and that this piece lifted your spirits. It makes it easier to write when I can see and Ten in my head, so I hope he came through clearly.
what more could a girl ask for?
Well, after your message the other day, I suspect that a little N/CC could go a long way. I'll have to see what I can do.

Morgana thank you for reading and commenting. I know that not many LnC FoLCs are Doctor Who fans, so I appreciate you checking it out anyway.

Terry! Thank you so much for your comments and your suggestions.
David Tennant seemed to convey that pain better than any of the other modern Doctors
Yes, I really enjoyed the fact that with Ten, what the Doctor felt was clearly visible. The EmoDoctor was at times a little over the top, but on the whole, it was nice to see such 'human' emotions from the Doctor. His frustration and his inability to change fixed points in time were particularly apparent. That's why I set this after "The Stolen Earth/Jouney's End" and before "The Waters of Mars". His decision to save the Mars scientists makes even more sense if it happened just after his experience on Krypton.

Maybe you could write a Lois/Clara quickie adventure like this one, since Clara has her own Tardis now. (I'm still wondering when she learned to operate it.) I'd sure read it!
I'm not sure I could do Clara (Ha! I almost wrote Clark!) justice. She was a fast-talking, clever character. Maybe after a re-watch.

Jor-el and Lara are ideal parents in this story. They're willing to sacrifice themselves to save their son. I get the impression from both the L&C series and the comics that such an attitude was not necessarily the norm on Krypton. It's almost as if children were valued more for their ability to contribute to society than for their own intrinsic value. You showed two parents who loved their son simply because he was their son.
Thank you for this comment. That is definitely what I wanted to convey. Why else would they work tirelessly until the very end to save their son, alone? There is so much that could be explored about Kryptonian society. Just like the alternate universe, there was just enough given on the show to open so much possibility. One of my plot bunnies explores this, but the story is epic and will probably not make it to these pages for quite some time. Pity.

I'm so glad that my inclusion of Mike worked for you. I originally had the Doctor leave this universe just after seeing the life pod streak past the TARDIS, but it didn't really answer the question of the asteroid for the Doctor.

So when's your next story coming out?
Funny you should ask. I just started working on a new story yesterday. In the meantime, I've got another little something from the "Impossible" universe for your perusal (probably the real epilogue). Let me know what you think.

mrsMxyzptlk Thank you so much for your feedback and comment on the story. I always wonder if I'm the only one that loved Donna's character. She was at times such an abrasive character, but I think that made her intelligence and softer, compassionate side (when it came through) all the more compelling.
I also like the unique approach the Doctor took to saving Earth from an asteroid. Can't save the world himself? Just save one superhero at birth!

Thanks again, everyone, for reading and commenting.