As it happens, I know quite a bit about Doctor Who, and I give this tale two thumbs up! I love love this whole concept. There are so many times when the Doctor wants to save everyone but knows he can't, and David Tennant seemed to convey that pain better than any of the other modern Doctors. He's my reboot fave! (Jon Pertwee is my classic fave, which I know is odd [I almost wrote 'ood'] because the two actors played the part as nearly polar opposites.)

Maybe you could write a Lois/Clara quickie adventure like this one, since Clara has her own Tardis now. (I'm still wondering when she learned to operate it.) I'd sure read it!

Okay, enough gushing about the Doctor.

Jor-el and Lara are ideal parents in this story. They're willing to sacrifice themselves to save their son. I get the impression from both the L&C series and the comics that such an attitude was not necessarily the norm on Krypton. It's almost as if children were valued more for their ability to contribute to society than for their own intrinsic value. You showed two parents who loved their son simply because he was their son.

It's too bad the Doctor couldn't have taken them to some other high-tech society and given them the ability to look in on their son without interfering with his development. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that Donna Noble would have begged him to do exactly that, even though it was probably the absolute wrong thing to do for some obscure reason. Maybe doing so would have put Earth in danger of invasion or even annihilation by that society, and maybe just bringing them into the Tardis would have endangered any society in which they might have taken refuge.

The preceding is not criticism or a rant or a gripe, just my own mental meanderings. My muses are starting to poke me with sharp sticks again, and sometimes it comes out as "This is what I would have done!" even if the story (like this one) needs no improvements from me.

Like KathyB, I enjoyed finding out that Mike might be a Time Lord. The series subtly portrayed him as an angel of some kind, but there's not much difference between the two. Nice job of folding him in this way, too. The Doctor needs to know that some good things come from his actions, many of which he doesn't learn about until much later, if at all.

We, the FoLCs, know what happens next in the L&C universe. Thanks for reminding us how the Lois/Clark relationship developed slowly and sometimes painfully. That makes it all the more valuable.

So when's your next story coming out?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing