Thank you to everyone that read and commented. I actually started to feel really guilty about using Star as the antagonist for this story because I took Lois's best girlfriend and ruined her! Surely there was another way?

GooBoo, cuidadora, and jackiek, thanks for posting. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story.

Ken Hi! Nice to see you again.
Star didn't realize that she was getting impressions from other universes.
Um, yes. Yes, this is what I intended, even if I didn't express it clearly. Thanks for your insight.

TraceyLynn Thank you so much for your detailed comments. I've really enjoyed seeing the parts that spoke to you. Thank you for calling out the flashback of Clark talking with Martha about his invisible friend, Lolo. I really, really wanted to explore Clark's early connection with Lois and what might have happened to it over the years.
Her father's old office. And Star comes in. By herself. Because she is the bad guy?! WHAT.THE.
Your reaction made me laugh out loud and also rub my hands in dastardly glee. Thanks!
the vows were gorgeous. So well-written, with echoes of the vows our Lois and Clark gave, as well as the fun reversal that we've come to expect in this universe. This whole story was so creative on that front. You clearly put so much time and thought into it!
Thank you so much. It was an effort of love and devotion that took literally ten years due to RL interruptions. I'm so glad that it came together in the way I originally wanted - to show a reversal as I explored some of the basic character traits we normally associate with Clark and apply them to Lois with a special ability.

Terry thank you for your thoughtful comments. It's always a joy to read them and gain access to your perspective.
It's a bit sad that while Lois was able to look beyond her circumstances and see that there were other people in the world who weren't totally evil, Star was not. To Star, men were vicious, sadistic, abusive monsters, and women were either helpless victims or violent avengers.
Yes, when someone is hurt again and again, it takes a toll. Star had abilities, but our personal narratives based on childhood trauma are powerful forces. Maybe she was "nuttier than an acorn" (a phrase that had me chuckling), but mostly, she was just too damaged to apply another explanation to the visions she received.

I didn't know you suspected Star, but I'm glad. I was half paranoid I'd made it too obvious and also concerned that it came from out of the blue with no rhyme or reason.
If Lois had not had Jonathan's example of a good father in her mind, she might have joined Star in her crusade.
To quote you, 'brrr'. This is a chilling thought. Thank you so much for your encouragement and the challenge. I do have several interesting plot bunnies I'd love to make into stories. Hopefully it won't take me another 10 years.

folc4evernaday Thank you for your reactions. They warmed my heart and made me smile. I'm so pleased you liked the twists and turns. As I've said before, I've got a soft spot for Alt-Clark (and now for Alt-Lois, too!) I'll be back with another story and it will probably have another iteration of these two again.

chickberry Thank you for your post and appreciations. I'm so very glad you enjoyed the story. I do have a partially written vignette that happens just after this story ends. If I can get it written, maybe I'll add it to the archive as the actual epilogue. Is there such a thing as a post-script epilogue? Anyway, thanks.

Mouserocks I'm so glad that you enjoyed the story, liked the twist and the imagery included in the final segments. Thanks for your comments.