I love this scene with Clark thinking about his folks. Yes, the video from Laura must have been addicting to the man. How wonderful it must have felt to have his folks reach out from the past and tell him how well he's (and Lois) have done as parents. This whole scene was sweet and bittersweet at the same time. It brought tears to my eyes, missing Martha and Jonathan along with Clark. Thankfully, he has Lois to keep him on the correct path and remind him that the past needs to stay in the past.

Then, you go and do an about face, and smack us with that final CJ scene. YEOUCH! eek What a horrible event lies in Sam Wayne's possible future. I read this right before going to sleep the other night and the terrors of that possibility kept me awake. He has such a wonderful family life, I hate for it to go down the tubes (as Bruce's did) if he becomes addicted to the time-travel porthole and the Batman lifestyle. Let's hope Adam's warning from the future was enough to save him (and us) from suffering this fate. I shiver from what you have in store for us as you did say that you had plots for several more stories in this series. (My fear won't stop me from reading them though).

Just out of curiosity, was Adam Wayne named in honor of Adam West? wink

I just read Gotham Nights again last night, so now I'm out of stories in this series, so you better get back to writing! (I'll have to read some of your other stories while I wait.) I *LOVE* this SERIES! The characters are so endearing and funny. I love them, especially how Lois and Clark constantly embarrass their children with their PDA. lol Jon complaining of his lack of sleep from the twins. BTW, did Laura ever get her punch in? Or is it going to creep up on CJ when he least expects it? I'll have to re-read this story to see if it showed up here.

This family is exactly how we would've loved to see next gen of Kents turn out from the show. Thanks so much for writing them. Keep up the good work! clap

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.