“What is Superman looking after her, CK,” Jimmy asked knowing full well that Clark wouldn’t let Lois go without some type of an agreement between them.

Tried reading this line a few times, but it does not make much sense.

“Bruce is having a dinner party at the Metropolis Embassy Hotel and he wants me to introduce him to some influential people in Metropolis like the Mayor and Commissioner,” Lois explained.

“You have a date with the man you were supposed to interview this morning,” Clark muttered letting go of Lois and turning away. He put his hand through his hair like he did every time he was frustrated and sighed.

Lois has plans with 'Bruce'? She just met this guy! Clark my friend, I suggest you accompany your girlfriend to this event and 'both' of you introduce him to Metropolis' elite.

“Because he has done exactly what Lex did,” Clark shouted realizing that Lois was not seeing what was right in front of her. He didn’t trust Bruce Wayne, Clark didn’t trust anyone that demanded an interview only with Lois. Clark had overheard Mr. Wayne’s secretary on the phone with Perry the day before, he would only give the interview with Lois, and Clark was not to be involved.

Ouch! splat

Where do we go from here?


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.