Well, time for more feedback on the feedbacks. Here goes something!

Artemis, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy the next chapter, too.

Groobie, glad you liked the Star Trek references. And I kind of cheated on the Rickroll - it wasn't a thing until several years after the story takes place. But it's a different world, so we'll pretend that along with the space station, human cloning, and intelligent humanoid robots, Rick Astley was claimed by Internet trolls a few years earlier than he was here. And the UST - thanks for the kudos. That kind of writing doesn't usually come naturally to me, but in this tale it flowed almost as smoothly as the action scenes. Plus I needed something to distract Lois from the things Clark can do that he's a little too good at. No spoilers here - but trust your romantic heart.

Morgana, glad you knew the difference between Trekkie and Trekker. As far as the car's name, it's the same model driven by Farrah Fawcett in the first season of Charlie's Angels on TV. Hers even had the same blue trim. And you fear there's no way out? Maybe they'll surprise you.

Next chapter up in moments!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing