You know, I promised awhile ago to comment on this story and what a cool story this is turning out to be!

Carlos Rodriguez pushed the storage slab all the way in and sealed the door. This one- a Jane Doe pulled from the Hobbs River- felt wrong to him. As a morgue attendant, Carlos had no formal medical training; nevertheless, in his fifteen years at the Metropolis City Morgue, he’d developed a certain sense for these cases. He went over to the desk and flipped through the file quickly. The medical examiner had put down a preliminary finding of possible suicide by drowning, but Carlos wasn’t so sure. She was young, attractive, well-dressed… No, something didn’t sit right. He signed out for his lunch break, leaving the somewhat ominous-looking building and heading for the payphone down the street. Dropping a quarter into the machine, he dialled a number from memory.

“Clark? It’s Carlos. We got a body here that I thought you’d be interested in.”

Nice to see a source other than Bobby Bigmouth. This is how reporters discover things, through sources like Carlos.

She hesitated, taking in his tightened jaw, thinned lips, and the twitch of the muscle in his jaw. He was as angry as she’d ever seen him.
“Then what?” he ground out.
“Then maybe we shouldn’t be partners anymore.”
He reeled back as though she’d slapped him, swallowing hard.
“If that’s what you want, then fine.”

Why, oh why was Lois always so stubborn about her relationship with Lex Luthor? As she herself said, normally she was a good judge of character. Why the blinders when it comes to him? dizzy

Uh Clark, you aren't completely innocent either! Couldn't you take her aside and talk calmly in the conference room without getting defensive?

She shoved Perry’s office door open, letting the momentum of her anger carry her to the editor’s desk.
“I can’t work with Clark anymore,” she announced.

Oh man, I am sooo looking forward to hearing Perry's reply. Honestly you can't dump your work partner quite that easily Lois.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.