Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Feedback folder

My muse has finally started to get her butt back into gear after Kerth season.

Check out this awesome video trailer that folc4evernaday made for Unmasked! Here

Yay, another part! Glad you liked the video. hyper

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Superman?” she asked.
“No sign of him.”
Lois sighed. What was going on with him? Where did he keep disappearing to? And what was so important that he would miss the two biggest disasters the city had experienced in years?

Hmmm, maybe someone should start to do some investigating...<hint, hint> thumbsup

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“So if the brakes fail and there’s another train stopped at the next station…”
“Then you have what happened yesterday,” Clark finished.
“Isn’t there supposed to be a big enough gap between trains to stop that from happening?”
Clark shrugged one shoulder. “Supposed to be.”

Supposed to be? Was it driver error? Another Luthor cronie? Or just a dumb luck accident? Nothing is dumb luck in Clark's book. Adding fuel to the fire... wallbash splat

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“You want help with that?”
“I’ve got it. Besides, don’t you have the MetroCon follow-up to do?”
“I said, I’ve got it,” she snapped.

Well, that was rude. dizzy

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
She walked away, feeling Clark’s eyes following her as she went to her own desk. He’d already been mad at her, and she’d just poured fuel on the fire. Mentally, she shrugged. Too bad for him. She didn’t have time to deal with his issues; she had work to do.

But.... wallbash

<sigh> Sometimes I wish we could knock these characters up the side of the head with a 2x4. The key to the mystery of Superman is with Clark. Just TALK to him....but no that would be too easy wouldn't it? grumble

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Was it possible that Luthor was doing his best to poison Lois’s mind? To distance her from his enemy? After all, Lois had proven herself time and again to be one of Superman’s staunchest allies.

Now, this is an interesting point. Now that Lexy boy knows I'm sure he'll do his best to poison Lois against Clark....but will he be able to do the same against Superman? evil

Oh! peep

Maybe that's the point of all the disasters? Destroy Superman's image and then Lois will be his? Okay, food for thought. devilsplat

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
He had to tell her. Swallow his own anger, his frustration at her blind refusal to listen to him, and just tell her.

FINALLY! Yes! Good....just walk your happy little butt over there and .... hyper thumbsup dance clap

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
And soon, before she became completely buried in her work…
Even as the thought formed, he saw Jimmy deposit a stack of folders on her desk.
Too late.

What???? Nooooooooooooo!!! Get back here spine! wallbash thud

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
The medical examiner had put down a preliminary finding of possible suicide by drowning, but Carlos wasn’t so sure. She was young, attractive, well-dressed… No, something didn’t sit right.
whinging grumble

Another Lexy boy victim, eh? Better call Super...err Clark....

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Clark? It’s Carlos. We got a body here that I thought you’d be interested in.”

A body he'd be interested in, eh?

Clark: Well what kind? You know I always go for the petite brunette types, Carlos.

Carlos:Not THAT kind of body....

Whoops! blush

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Luthor had had her murdered.

He knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. He’d used her to draw him out and then discarded her like yesterday’s paper.

That is Lex's MO lately isn't it? Poor Lois. She better look out. Maybe now Clark can.... shock sad

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
But once again Clark had no proof.

He really needs to start wearing a wire around Luthor. grumble

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Grief for a life cut short and rage filled him. When the elevator stopped at the newsroom level with its inappropriately cheery ‘ding’, he strode out of the still-opening doors and made a beeline for Lois’s desk. He had to make her see sense, to look beyond the line Luthor was selling her. And he had to do it now. Before anyone else was killed.

Nope! Bad idea. Stop. Turn around. Go fly to the arctic and blow off some steam but do NOT try to have a conversation with Lois still reeling from.... dizzy splat

Why am I wasting my breath?

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Clark was good at sorting through this sort of stuff, and he was infinitely more patient than she was with it.

**cough** Understatement of the millenium. devil

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
The sound of Clark’s voice right next to her desk distracted Lois as she sifted through the piles of folders. Frustrated, she swiped an errant lock of hair out of her face.

Why doesn't anyone listen to me? huh

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“What do you want, Clark?”

To have and to hold... help

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“I just want to talk.”

Yeah right. goofy

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Fine.” She glared at him. She knew exactly what this was going to be about, and she was sick of it. Whatever the reason for his antipathy towards Lex, it was getting out of hand.

Abort mission. Abort mission now.... peep

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick

Run like the wind Superman! You might be able to beat the Flash's running record if you take off now.... wildguy

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
She dumped the folders she was still holding back onto the messy pile. “But if you’re going to start in on how evil Lex is again, then let me stop you right there.”

Is he really that transparent? dizzy

Is she really that blind?

Oh, right glasses and hair gel..... Go on.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick

Don't do it. wildguy

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“I’m serious, Clark! I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, but I am sick of your constant digs and comments-“

Run! Run now while you still can.... thud

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Lois, if you would just-“

Poor Clark can't get a word in. wallbash

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“No, Clark. I am not going to stand here and listen to you attack someone I care about; someone that I like and happen to respect.”

Ouch! sad

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“You don’t know him like I do.”

We go way back to the villains and heroes club and the kryptonite beating....I feel like I know him better than you.... wave

Yeah, not gonna happen right now. She's not in the mood. help

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“You’ve said that before. Well, I’ve got a newsflash for you, Clark. I am in a relationship with Lex. I know him a lot better than you do. And if you can’t accept that, then…”

Then what? huh

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
She hesitated, taking in his tightened jaw, thinned lips, and the twitch of the muscle in his jaw. He was as angry as she’d ever seen him.
“Then what?” he ground out.

Is there an echo in here? dizzy

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“Then maybe we shouldn’t be partners anymore.”

Um, you don't mean that. Take that back right now. thud

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“If that’s what you want, then fine.”

Seriously???? jawdrop

SPINE? Where are you? Oh, running away like Clark should have done from this conversation. Yeah, I got that.

Would you just tell her already???? wallbash

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick

She did not mean that.

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
She stalked away from her desk, fuming. How dare he do this? For the first time in her life, she was in a real relationship. Why couldn’t he just be happy for her? How could he let his petty jealousies get in the way of their friendship?

It's called being a friend. grumble

Maybe consider why her FRIEND keeps warning her? cat

Nope? Not happening. Okay, continue....

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Well, she didn’t need him.

Fall out of any windows lately, Lois? grumble

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
She shoved Perry’s office door open, letting the momentum of her anger carry her to the editor’s desk.

Oh, no. Seriously? wallbash

Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
“I can’t work with Clark anymore,” she announced.

Poor Perry! thud devilsplat

Okay, more please!

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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