Hey Lynn wave

I was just about to enjoy 'Kill Bill's Fan', but saw the note about how this story was the precursor to it.

So yes, I thought I'd give myself the pleasure of reading this story before I dove into your fundraiser piece.

And I am so glad that I did notworthy clap notworthy clap notworthy !

I am not a Star Trek fan, but I was very curious how you would connect the series to L&C. The idea of having Lois write a fanfic crossover was brilliant grin. And following the detail in our series, when we learned of Lois' 'ability' of writing in her novel, I love how you rightfully put her talent in check for her fanfiction piece.

The 'foxy' pun on MJF's name was perfect hyper, btw. Loved how you included that!

But for me, the icing on the cake with was definitely the ending. Clark's conversation with Perry and mentioning that he liked the Bills? You definitely had me initially hail. I figured it was him as a shoe-in. And then how you turned the ending to Perry? rotflol. How you had him giving Lois feedback for her writing--and calling her writing 'beginning' (when she is indeed his BEST investigative reporter at this time in the show) is priceless lol.

Awesome! Completely wonderful!

Can-not-wait to dive into your next story dance,

Last edited by LMA; 05/15/17 02:13 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~