Yeesh! I wondered where Nigel had gone, but I never, never suspected you were holding him in horrible reserve for this moment! And I don't think Clark could have learned about Lois in a worse way. That was vicious, vile, and virulent!

Looking at this as a writer, though, this is a really gutsy move. If this is the actual end, it lines up with real life, which isn't always "fair" no matter how much we want it to be. I wonder how (in fact, if) Clark will recover, now that he's lost the other half of his soul. Or will he wait for her to get recycled? It's not like he'd age too quickly or something.

I also wonder whether or not this is a fake ending (I have some slight experience with those), and if I was a betting man I'd bet nickels to noodles there's a "real" ending coming. Soon. So Lois and Elle can have coffee together while they wait for their men to heal.

You do have a kinder, gentler ending ready, don't you? If not, I can't be responsible for this story being nominated for the Meanest-Evilest-Nastiest-Ending Kerth this year. And I have no doubt that it would win hands down.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing