I'll take 'Best First Kiss' sloppy !

--I hadn't volunteered as of yet b/c of kiddos (in general, wasn't sure that even if we were free that night, if I'd actually be totally 'free' dizzy jump if the kiddos were awake...). Plus, we recently signed them both up for baseball--b/c of different ages, 5 and 7--they are on different teams with, as yet to be determined, totally different game/practice days wallbash crazy. --

Anyway...I probably will not be able to actually 'attend', but like Michael, I'll prepare that category to have ready for someone to deliver.

Laura (who is really...really...REALLY going to enjoy looking into all these 'best kiss'es' grin )

Congrats, again, everyone clap !

Last edited by LMA; 03/24/17 08:40 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~