Wendy, Capes, & Tricia - thanks for reading my story. smile And Gerry for re-reading it laugh

Wendy wrote:
I did notice the similarity with the beginning of YUTS when you posted the first story (Stern putting her on a fixed-term contract) but thought you were simply re-using your own rather good idea.
- caught plagiarizing myself. blush - I fear I was but at that time I intended the first part to be a stand alone. But I was very distressed by all the upset that ensued and so I knew that I had to write a sequel. But no ideas were forthcoming that weren't already in YUTS (except for a new A plot, but I didn't figure that's want anyone wanted to read smile ) So I just decided to make this story a prequel. In tweaking the now 'part 1' , I changed a detail in that contract so that it was consistent with that in YUTS.

Capes, thank you for commenting on my use of words! That made my day. smile

Tricia, I'm glad you liked it. smile I wanted Lois to make the decision to return to Metroplis rather than have Clark come for her - so that the decision would be a difficult one for her and also an active, rather than a passive one. She's not "rescued" by Clark - an action that would have made her decision to return too easy. Also I wanted to show that Lois is more than just the woman who loves and is loved by Clark Kent. smile She's Lois Lane - hope that makes sense.
