I just got done reading through this thread. Seriously guys...I have goosebumps grin. A-mazing! I can not tell you all how happy and proud I am of this fandom, and of all the wonderful fans of this show. It's been so many years--and the fact that you all care about L&C as much as I always have? notworthy notworthy notworthy

Thank you--SO MUCH--for keeping the Kerths alive. I have to agree...loosing the Kerths, IMO, would be the first step in letting this wonderful community fade away. Traditions start to slide and then? Yeah...I would really start to worry about what would be next mecry.

I know I haven't been around too much lately--and it's definitely not been for lack of wanting to. I still check in every day, even if it's really quick wink. And there are SO many posted stories that I'm dying to read!

I'm pretty much technically clueless dizzy --but, you have my full support as a fan. I can't wait to vote, etc. And I really can't wait to see all the talented stories from last year shine smile.

Thanks DC! Thanks Feli! sloppy You guys are going to do 'Super'! (Could not resist wink )

And here's to another year of Kerths! Woo-hoo clap

Last edited by LMA; 02/28/17 01:30 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~