Hey Labby, do you still have the spreadsheet listing all of last year's uploaded fanfic?

Next, aside from Labby gives up, a question also need to go out to all fanfic writers, via the boards, who did not get their fanfic list on lcfanfic.com in time for the end of the year. They need to supply us with the name of their fanfic and a link to where is can be found, i.e. here, or fanfic.net, etc.

Finally, you need to settle on a list of dates of deadlines and when the "ceremony", should you hold one, be held on mIRC or when you will just announce the winners.

I'm still willing to keep the site update, whomever is going to run this, needs to do the rest and communicate with everyone who will be helping.

I also need all email addresses of those who will be on the committee because there are special emails that are used for communicating, nominations, and final ballot. My ballots include IP addresses and all doubles need to be thrown out. That's usually how we combat rigging the election.

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator


"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993