What an awesome chapter, Morgana smile!

I've been really looking forward to reading this--having Lois and Clark be kept apart I'm sure has been hard on both of them. I was really wanting them to be able to unite and start the process of clearing out Clark's good name.

And I've got to hand it to you. Your ability to switch between scenes was really showcased here. You picked the perfect moments--between Arianna/Gregory/Lana, and also, Lois and Clark--to cut back and forth. It gave a lot of suspense and a feeling of movement to the piece, almost like watching it unfold in a movie switching out between scenes happening at the same time. Wonderful job!

I've also enjoyed seeing the similarities and differences between this Lois and Clark and how that plays out in the way that they interact. Clark is so very much 'Clark' with his information and how he has to cover himself, but he's also so different, with loosing his parents and having more of a support system in Metropolis with friends. You can sense all of this in how he acts. Lois--totally--is a lot more approachable. Love it! And for this 'Clark', I think it's a really refreshing need. I've really liked Lois being more aware of her feelings and of how amazing Clark really is. She's 'aware'. And her appreciation for him--starting so much earlier in their friendship--has been great.

Really enjoying this clap

Last edited by LMA; 01/25/17 03:15 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~