Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Wow, DC, it sounds like you really know your fan-con stuff. Must have been hard doing all the research for this story. Don't forget to write it off on your taxes. wink

I'm surprised Clark hadn't been informed about the fan-con earlier (especially since he's been seeing a lot of Murray lately). But then again, Murray loves to surprise him with stuff. (Did Murray tell Clark about the TV show, before giving approval, too?) I did wonder what Lois was covering that could possibly be more important than THIS!

Loved all the cameos. Fun story. clap

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
El-crest shaped Viagra in Superman blue? Proceeds go to an orphanage charity, minus a manipulation fee for Mr. Brown, of course.
Wouldn't that hurt to swallow?

Ha! You can say I have a little convention experience. (4 or 5 Xena cons, 2 Icons, a Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors, and the Boston SuperMega Fest.) No Comic Cons to date, but I do want to go to at least one, maybe when the kids are a little bigger and I don't need the stroller. I've never dressed up/done the costume contests, but I've always admired the people who do. (Their costumes are typically stunning.)

I think Murray wanted to get the drop on Superman. After all, how can he say no when he's already there and seeing what's going on? wink I'm thinking the TV show was one of the (probably many) things Murray didn't run by Clark. (He probably forgot with all the other things he's been bugging Clark about lately.)

You can be sure that, whatever Lois is working on, she's MAD to be missing out on the convention!

Glad you had fun with the story!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon