Yeah, Ken hyper !

I am so glad that there is some evidence to back Clark up. Expose what is going on. For Clark--after having gone through everything with Lana so publicly and painfully, it's nice to see him potentially catch a break here.

I love how Lois immediately starts trying to figure out how to help her friend. How--even when distracted by a first meeting with Superman, knows she has work to do to help Clark. And I'm impressed by Clark using his alter-ego so well (so quickly) to help get their investigation into the fall of his story going.

Lois is already noticing something 'familiar' being in Superman's arms smile. Being the level of friendship Lois and Clark are at when Superman steps onto the scene, being that Clark already knows Lois will come around to the double identities--I can't see the secret really lasting too long. And their relationship is all the better for it smile.

Great job, Morgana! Loving this notworthy...

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~