Totally agree! I really enjoy reading people's reactions to stories--what they thought, what they liked, what worked for them. It doesn't matter when the story orignally posted, IMO.

I didn't start posting here or reading fanfic till about 2013--I LOVED the show as it was originally airing, taped every episode, bought the DVD's, but because I didn't have such regular internet availability, had always enjoyed the show just as it was...the show.

I've read a TON of fanfic over the last few years--here and on the Archive, but I know in some ways I've only grazed the surface.

Hearing what you (PuffyTiger) or anyone is currently enjoying, will probably lead me to new authors, and new, different--wonderful--stories smile...

Go for it hyper


Last edited by LMA; 10/29/16 01:00 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~