I really appreciate how you are so consistent with making comments despite a busy schedule! It always makes me smile when your initials flash up on the board. dance

I'm really curious why Lana is at Clark's apartment. What's done is done--she'd have to realize that the news would have reached Clark by now. I'm hoping it's just to talk things through, try (even though it makes no sense) to explain to Clark her reasoning for behaving how she did. I'm hoping Clark can get a lot of things 'out there' and release some pent up frustration. But part of me is also a little nervous--Lana knows about Clark, and now Lana is married to someone with a lot of power. Not a good combination!

As I am sure you are aware by now just why Lana showed up. She wanted to end her relationship with Clark because of her husband and she wanted to distance herself from the would be superhero, just in case anything bad might happen.

At one time Lana did care for Clark, but once the luxury and ease of Daae's world beckoned she decided it was better to be the wife of a very wealthy man and have her dreams fulfilled than be the wife of a common newspaper reporter and still have those dreams.

Yes, Daae has a great deal of power and Lana is in possession of an explosive secret -- definitely not a combination that bodes well for Clark Kent.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.