I'm really impressed by how you are setting up this story...the different characters, the different interactions. There's a lot going on, but it all easily makes sense and flows together so well. I just love all the details and layers--so impressive! notworthy

There are layers upon layers and it is a challenge putting them all together so they make sense. It was so easy to write Lex being angry that Daae was stealing all the attention, but than he decides to use Lois as a way of getting back at his business partner. More to come on that score. whistle

And I'm really enjoying Lois and Clark becoming closer. It was great getting them out of the newsroom and having some quiet time together. Dropping the pretenses and being themselves really seemed to loosen them both up and let them both see how well they really do compliment each other. Lois is becoming really attuned to Clark--and all of everything that he has to offer. And I really enjoyed that Clark mentioned Lois' apartment (and didn't even think of Lana) when the discussion of his new place was happening.

Aha! So glad you caught all of that! Especially Clark thinking about Lois' opinion of his place rather than Lana's. The whole virus attack was inspired from my own working days, we were hit with a similar virus which literally rendered our computers useless. But this forced Lois to go somewhere else in order to finish their story. Since I can't see them working in a library, Lois' place was the next best thing!

I can't see Lana liking Clark's new apartment, but knowing Lois, I'm sure she will. That--and now knowing what Lana really in her heart wants (to run an exploration in Europe)--is starting to show just how different of a life Lana and Clark want. And then you have everything going on with Daae--I (hopefully) don't see Clark and Lana lasting too much longer.

Lana and Clark are going to two very different directions.

Really interesting how Lois got a blip of a memory (referring to Clark) when she thought back on her time in the airport. Excited for that to be expanded on smile.

Those memory blips will be explained in a later chapter.

Last edited by Morgana; 09/06/16 11:05 AM. Reason: Additional comments


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.