Hmm. I think she very much appreciated her handsome partner when she first saw him in his tux, but definitely, the events of the night overshadowed any of her attraction. And speaking of attraction, Clark was definitely blown away by Lois when he first saw her, too wink.

A lot of really interesting scenes played out at the Ball clap. I liked the feel of all of the characters coming together. Some there for good, some there for bad. And once again, you did a wonderful job of describing each scene and filling each paragraph with really great detail.

I'm not surprised that Clark walked away landing an interview. His personality and mannerisms are so likeable and approachable (not to mention the great looks--and in a tux! grin). Arianna enjoyed her conversation with Clark, they found something they had in common, and she saw him as a person, not a pesky reporter.

Curious to see how Clark's success tonight plays into Lois and Clark's partnership/friendship. And wondering if there will be any Lana backlash for Clark not taking Lana with him to such a social event (help = Clark).

All caught up--but no more marathon reading to be able to indulge in mecry

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~