Relieved! clap

Clark impressed me with how well he handled finding the note, getting home to Lord Lane and explaining the situation, and then how--initially--he kept the information away from Lucy, Lois, and James. He was professional, dependable, reliable...even when so much of the situation is pretty personal for him.

I love how Lois' family relates to Clark. Lucy's concern that Clark might have been hurt. James seeing the love between Clark and Lois and wishing he could help. Ellen and Sam valuing his work and honesty.

And I'm so glad to have Lois and Clark get a moment or two together by themselves at the end.

Hoping for that happy ending? Can Clark's ranking be bumped up due to outstanding service? Please? grovel

Great job, DC!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~