Hi Virginia,

You've obviously had much better experiences with cats than I have. I can easily read dogs' "body language," but more than once I have had a cat purring and friendly one second, and then clawing at me the next with no warnings that I could discern. I'm always leery around them for that reason. (On the other hand, I have been given separate house-sitting and babysitting jobs for the sole reason that the dogs and I got along so well. In the case of babysitting, one of the dogs had to be locked up when any other non-family member was present, but for some reason, I was the one exception to that.)

I was beginning to wonder if Lois would figure out that CK=S with them talking behind her back about getting her a cat.
I think Clark has been talking to my muse, and Tallia has been corrupting him. First, I had wanted Clark rather than Superman to bring the cat over, but he refused that. Next, I had wanted a revelation; I had a line I liked and I really wanted to use. ("Well, Lois, when I told Superman about the cat, I was really just talking to myself.") But once again, Clark stubbornly resisted. He was adamant that if he told Lois at this delicate juncture in their relationship, the gedanken cat would be well and truly dead.

Sounds like your timing in reading World Without a Superman was perfect. I can't recall when in the post-Byrne era Elroy was introduced, but I seem to recall him having shown up in several stories. As I recall, he (unlike Goldie) was there just to flesh out the universe, so to speak; he didn't play a pivotal role in any of the stories I read. In fact, I had forgotten his name, and decided to Google it. (Trust me -- you do *not* want to Google "Lois Lane's cat.") It actually took me several minutes to discover his name, and I am usually pretty good at finding information online. Apparently, he is a lot more obscure a character than I had thought. huh

Thanks for your feedback. smile
