Aww man!

Yeah...if these two perfectly entwined souls find each other, fall in love, and then (somehow?) don't end up together, you ARE an evil writer wallbash razz notworthy ! Come on, DC, please? grovel Figure out some way--and I have no ideas, that's how great of a corner you have painted them into--for them to have a happy ending.

I've been looking forward to the evening reading sessions, but after this chapter, time spent out in the stable I deem just as wonderful smile. I am really enjoying how comfortable they are with each other. How they are able to drop the society masks they are supposed to wear and just be them.

I'm glad that their feelings are spoken. There are enough problems concerning their classes/etc at the moment to worry about, that it's nice for them to know the other's heart.

I'm just so curious how these last chapters will unfold!

Please--Lois can not marry Luthor!!! devil wildguy splat

Great job!

Last edited by LMA; 07/06/16 01:45 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~