I was looking forward to reading these next two parts all afternoon/evening smile.

I am really enjoying having Lois be involved with everything 'Superman'. It's such a different take--from normally having Lois clueless about all of Clark pre-revelation, to having her literally help to create the hero. It was interesting seeing her be so secure with her plan, to really, once being immersed into Clark's childhood home, having a lot of doubt. Knowing Clark and his family more each day, she's now starting to realize the full impact of what they are trying to do.

I'm very curious how all of this will go over with Luthor. What will his reaction be? Nervously waiting to find out smile.

Great job!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~