Way cool discussion. And a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and cheery Sunday to all.

Just a thought, Ann & gang. While I'm in agreement and awe at your character analysis, perhaps the reason you're not seeing what you're looking for is wrapped up in a different tenet of L&C canon: Specifically, many fanfic writers subscribe to the L&C-era belief that Clark's redemption/evolution cannot, does not and will not occur without the participation of Lois Lane. For me, this was a very key attraction of the L&C:TNAOS incarnation.

So here's a question, do writers take the 'easy' way out by making Lois's solutions the pivot on which Clark begins his tranformation into a better, more complete Clark, or does the "stronger than me alone" device trump Clark having to face his demons fully? If you get the character insight that you want, Ann, what role would you have Lois play if any? Does she get to make it easier for him? Is there a way to reach compromise and have Clark get to where he needs to get, but not marginalize Lois's role?

What's more, would it make as satisfying a story for waff-mongers like me?

Enquiring minds want to know! smile1


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