I really enjoyed this exploration into such a confusing/painful time in Clark's life.

To be falling in love--to see it happening after wishing and hoping for it for years--and then literally at the same time have someone you care about die and feel responsible for their death? How hard of a time for Clark sad.

I have to admit, while watching Resurrection growing up, I was so annoyed to be given the character Dan Scardino, I'd kind of gloss over everything Clark was dealing with. (That introduction was horrible timing--along with that bomb going off when Lois and Clark finally kissed devil )

Thanks for bringing me here, to really think about what type of a situation Clark was thrown into. I think I'll look at Resurrection differently from now on hail...

Great job!

Last edited by LMA; 05/25/16 11:46 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~