Another deep piece. How Clark was viewed by the office gossips and yet, not given consideration for his feelings by Lois (or at least that we were shown), is often part of the underlying extra dislike of Dan Scardino. Lois knows that Clark and Mayson at least kissed once (possibly more) and were serious enough to consider out-of-town plans together, and yet Lois expects him to brush off the death of this friend, because he's more serious about her? (Sorry, pet peeve.)

I can see how the death of Mayson would make him doubt if being in a relationship with him could hurt someone, or allow him to not be available to help others enough to push slightly away from Lois.

Sometimes, I'm amazed at how self-centered everyone in Metropolis is, especially when compared to Clark. How can Lois not see that Clark is hurting at the death of his friend IN HIS ARMS and need time to heal from this ordeal?

Poor Clark, always jumping to his position of self-doubt when faced with a set-back of these proportions. Hugs to Clark for feeling that he's to blame for Mayson's death.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.