What a great read while grabbing a quick--LATE--lunch crazy (ok..maybe we'll just call it dinner?) here a moment ago.

Why happens if I say no? It'd break his heart, and mine. And then what? It would take time, but Clark wouldn't stay single. He's that rare combination of gorgeous and a wonderful guy; women throw themselves at him- the names Toni Taylor, Cat Grant, Linda King and Mayson Drake come to mind- and eventually he will find someone else.
Can I stand by and watch Clark marry another woman?


The thought makes me feel like I've been kicked in the stomach, and for a few horrible moments I can't breathe. Is this how Clark felt when I was so determined to marry Lex?

I really like this part. Lois' acknowledgement of how really great of a guy Clark is. How truly lucky she is to have him--and how easily he could draw another woman's attention (though, knowing Clark, he has ever only wanted Lois). And I love Lois coming full-circle to last year. Realizing just how much hurt Clark was in during her wedding-fiasco to Luthor.

Agree with Susan--once she knows that she truly loves Clark, there really isn't a decision. They love each other, they both want to be together. Even though it's scary (and uncertain) Lois deep down knows the path she is going to take.

Awesome job!

Last edited by LMA; 05/04/16 06:11 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~