
Originally Posted by AnnieL
If she had jumped in before checking the water level and then couldn't handle it, it would have been a disservice to them both.
Yup, very true. As awful as it sounds, sometimes just loving a person isn't enough. Clark's life is crazily complicated and stressful, and that's something Lois would have to be able to deal with. If she can't deal with it, realistically there's no future for them.

Originally Posted by AnnieL
I love your ending
Thanks! smile The story was going to continue past there, but when I read over it I realised that the extra bit made the story lose its impact. So I left it on a hopeful note smile

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Then, again, Clark wouldn't be cheating on her with other women, so the comparisons aren't quite the same.
Actually, I tried to work in a line on that subject but ended up removing it as it didn't run smoothly. You're right, at least if Clark's spending nights away from his family it's not because he's having an affair smile

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
So, she would really be doing him and Superman (and therefore the world) a favor by marrying him. Right?
LOL, I like your way of looking at it!

Thanks to both of you for commenting smile
Writing this seems to have woken up my muse. This is not good timing- it's the middle of my uni semester. (Why couldn't this have happened during the Easter break?)

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg