Heh, it sometimes feels like a choose your own adventure story. :p

My original plan, way back when, called for Clark and Michel to simply rescue Wayne together, no fuss. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get the scene to come together. After I rewrote my WIP (before learning that writing and rewriting simultaneously is not advised), I realized that it just wouldn't be that easy. So, I redid my outline based on the idea that Michel just leaves and Clark saves the day himself...somehow. Five outlines later, here we are. I might go back and try to delete the clearly obsolete ones, except there are still a couple Schrödinger points scattered across them, which I haven't come to yet. X_X

Btw, I didn't mean to make Susanne seem disinterested in the rock; just smart enough to know that you shouldn't leave a box of radioactive stuff open.
