Very cute. I loved Martha's reaction, too.

I just looked it up. Band Aids were invented in 1921. In 1971 I doubt they would have rushed to the ER for cat scratches on a farm unless they were very deep. There was an emergency department in my rural hometown around 1970 or 71. Before then there were not doctors who staffed the ER, just the "on call" doctors. There's a book which is probably out of print about a Vermont doctor in the 1980s. He called it "Bag Balm and Duct Tape" because so many in his rural patients would only go to the doctor if they had something that neither could treat.


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly