Originally Posted by Framework4 on February 19, 2007

Has anyone ever written a story wherein someone tells Lois that of course Superman would NEVER think of dating her?

After all Clark is one of his best friends and everybody can see how hung up on Lois Clark is, including Superman.

So someone points out to Lois that is isn't just that is is not safe for someone to date Superman,

and it is not just that Superman can't have a public relationship with anyone,

Rather it is that Lois is off limits because of Clark.

I can just picture Cat or Mayson running into the Kent's mine Lane attitude telling her

"Lois, you should be the one trying to set Kent up with someone! After all Superman's not going to break the universal guy rules. As long as Clark is interested in you, you're off limits to Superman!"

So how would Lois react to this idea?

Would she rant on at Clark? Or would she start trying to set him up with women? Perhaps becoming very jealous of the very women she sets him up with?

Picture poor Clark trying to figure it all out as Lois pushes one beautiful sexy woman after another at Clark.

Some of the women are going to tell Lois to give it up.

"Lois, I don't what's gotten in to you lately, but it's clear to me that Kent is head over heels in love with you!"

and another date

"Lois, when did I become the enemy? I did you a favor. You asked me to go out with Kent. Yet when I do have one, just one date, with the man you act like I'm stabbing you in the back. As if he and I are sneaking around cheating on you!"

and yet another

"God Lane what's with you? You're the one who said 'wear burgundy, Clark loves burgundy". And 'show a little cleavage' you said..."

Originally Posted by LMA on December 10, 2013
Ahhhh--this does sound like an interesting idea! Keep bumpin' it up till it gets a taker thumbsup

