I think it would have to be set some in the first 5-10 of season one or else Lois wouldn't REALLY try to do it.
Lois can lie to herself so well that I can see her trying this anywhere in season one and much of season two.

At the very least this would give her Superman fantasy hope, she would now have a reason why Superman seems to blow hot and cold.

I'm sure the part where Lois reveals the plan to Superman would be hilarious.
I had not thought about Lois telling Superman, oh my, I am just laughing my head off.

I still have a half finished Mayson learns Clark is Superman and has to cover for him story. In it Mayson explains to Clark that she gave up all hope as soon as she learned that Clark is Superman.

Not because she was repulsed but because she had been hanging her hopes on Lois outlasting Clark.

Sorta like a race, Who will give up their hopeless love and turn and look elsewhere first.

If Clark gave up hope of Lois while Lois was still hooked on Superman then Mayson would have a shot at Clark.

But if Lois gave up hope of Superman she would turn to Clark.

Learning that Clark is Superman meant that if Clark ever did give up hope of Lois loving Clark, instead of turning to someone else, Mayson, he would simply tell Lois the whole truth hoping that Lois would in time come to love the real Man.

As has been pointed out in so many stories, Clark was offering Lois a false choice, one can't pick Clark or Superman. As Lois told him in "We Have A Lot To Talk About" she needed to know the REAL man.

Hmm, maybe I can use the Lois tries to setup Clark to explain why Clark is on a Ski trip with Mayson when the avalanche occurs.
