Maybe it's that I was trained as a scientist but I always wanted to shout at Clark: "You obviously know what the scientific method is (re: Strange Visitor) why don't you run off the arctic like you do in HoL and play around and see if any ice melts?"

Add to that, that the whole episode is just bad science... I didn't tweak the actual cause of the heat wave because I couldn't really come up with something I felt was plausible. We had a bad summer here a few years ago (2011 I think?) where we had 90 days over 100°F, most of those in a row. But that was not only the entire *state* of Texas in a heat wave, it needed a high pressure zone camped out over us for the entire duration. Then again, I seriously doubt a Superman show had a scientific advisor or even cared...

And Mike (re: reply to ToC), I was trying to explain it and not just shell out vocabulary. Did I make it relatable to someone without a passing knowledge of thermodynamics, I'll leave that for others to decide... Pretty much all of my own background in the subject is through the lens of Chemistry and some Biology. And I wish the show would have taken the time to do some kind of tests, it would have been more fun to me than the jail scenes... But Lex did orchestrate the train and, with that in consideration, I wonder if he didn't arrange the gunman too. (And that guy... he stood there pointing his gun at Superman!) And from there, though I think they were timid about it how far to go with it, you definitely have protests cropping up, which speeds up the need for a resolution regardless of the injunction ruling. Two fics I absolutely love are bobbart's "When the Sky Falls" and "Luck and Consequences", some of my favorite parts of both of those are where he tried to find plausible theories for how Clark's powers worked.

And thanks, DC, the injunction just always felt weird. The attorney was way too gung ho with the railroading feel (so I tried to tone her back), although you could argue she might have been in Lex's pocket too. I did love the judge, but the ruling was odd too. Like I have Clark bring up, there is no way he can just 'turn off' some of his powers...(invulnerability, I'm looking at you) although, the whole flying to avoid spilled coffee and the hijinks at the police station drive me crazy too (although the breaking the shelf the fingerprint setup is on I can see as a deliberate way to avoid having his fingerprints on record), because we know that's *not* instinctual when he's Clark!

I'm trying to decide what I want to work on next, I have a couple ideas for longer fics but I'm a bit leery of committing to anything that spans multiple episodes just yet.

Sara "Lieta"