Thanks you two. I was trying really hard not to come off as whining for feedback in the last post... whether or not I managed, well... *shrug*

There's definitely a lot of the Ides Jonathon (of all the couples to try the throw-away "I think my partner is cheating" episode with *ugh* why not Perry/Alice where we know there's continual off and on problems?) in some of my less favorite episodes... And Lois at the end of season 1... well...

I can sorta get Lois' actions after the Planet is bombed. It's not really in character, but then I kinda see her as in shock and possibly even in a semi-breakdown and trying to find any rock to cling to for a sense of stability and, let's face it, "Marry me" is a lot more stability than just "I love you" when she's considering her options, especially if her thought processes are muddled by trauma, grief, and shock. (Also, as an aside, the "I can't" at the alter has to be one of my absolute least favorite plot tropes.)

That doesn't explain why she doesn't laugh in Lex's face at the initial proposal. I mean really, their relationship pops out of no where in Fly Hard. There doesn't seem to be any hint that they're more than occasional dinner dates (with Lex in male Cat mode wanting a notch on his belt, not a *wife*) before that. And both Vatman and Rival don't really make sense if Lois doesn't view herself as single...

And I think a lot of that is due to, as cuidadora brought up, Shea deciding to leave. Then again, the original plan was to go like 10 years/as long as possible (off a comment in a season 1 commentary if I remember right) without risking the 'moonlighting curse'... which might have given us the (to me) unsatisfactory final getting together of the couple like Bones (oops pregnancy, really? Really?!) or Castle (just *sigh* that show right now...). where they drag it out so long then they just throw them together in a ridiculously quick moment or it just doesn't necessarily make sense for it to even happen anymore... with *years* of frustration behind the let down... And I do enjoy the will they/won't they of early seasons... but it can quickly get stale and formulaic.

Sara "Lieta"