It's the middle of the night here and I'm up with a child that refuses to go back to sleep, so forgive me if I'm a little rambly or incoherent...

Originally Posted by sarah
I liked Clark's reaction to Lois saying she loves him. I can picture the goofy smitten grin on his face.
Yup, that's pretty much the picture I had in my head when I wrote that bit too smile

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
So does she reject him again and chase Dan to DC?

shock Okay, I'll admit that I enjoy torturing characters (though I usually fix it in the end), but that's just evil! What an intriguing idea...

Originally Posted by LMA
Lois, coming back, demanding answers (and it wasn't even done with an excuse about needing her clothing she left at his place)
Funny thing is, it wasn't until everyone picked up on that detail in the last chapter that I even *thought* about using the clothes as an excuse for Lois to come back.
Originally Posted by LMA
I love that after a year of overthinking, Clark ACTS! Doesn't think. Doesn't plan. Follows his heart
It's moments like that that make me yell things like "It's about time!" at my TV screen. Pretty sure I yelled that exact phrase at the TV when I first saw UltraWoman...

Originally Posted by Morgana
The rapid fire conversation between these two very complex people was very interesting and real!

Thank you smile They're fun characters to write, and I think the show's writers did a good job of creating characters with a lot of depth and complexity (even if I occasionally complain that some episodes leave something to be desired- but then, that's what fanfic is for smile ). It's something I find sadly lacking in a lot of TV shows- little to no character development.

I just realised that I'm about to post the second last chapter and I haven't finished writing the last one! I need to get my tail in gear... It's almost done, I promise

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg