Thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure why both of my (published) long stories have started with a depressed Clark wandering the globe, but oh well. It seems to be working (for these two stories anyway).

I probably should have warned everyone that this story contains zero A plot.

VirginiaR- yeah, they're pretty close to rock bottom. It could be worse, but still... As for the rest of what you brought up, you'll just have to keep on reading smile

Morgana- US Forestry Service? Hehehe. I'm glad you find my concept intriguing smile

HiddenMoon- I'm not a huge fan of Scardino, much for the same reason I'm not a huge fan of Mayson- he gets in the way! That said, I will at least promise that I haven't killed him off or anything like that.

"It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."- Simon Pegg