Sweet! Thanks, y'all!

I love the novel! Having CK write a thinly fictionalized version of events and giving it to Lois was actually the seed of this fic. Well, that and being annoyed over the whole sweeping issues under the rug thing. I think that time to process and a backstory is a huge part of what's needed--well, and obviously it creates all sorts of trust issues when Lois finds out vs. having Clark tell her. I love that CK realizes he rushed her before and tries to keep from making the same mistake twice. Ending things this way made me quite cheerful.

I'll make sure to add a nice couple of sentences re-affirming Clark's rationale pre-Kerths re: giving Lois the manuscript so hopefully it will feel less abrupt. All y'all's comments sparked a discussion in our house about how different life experiences affect how people read. My husband and I went from not talking for a year to talking about marriage in a very short time, so I have no problems with L&C moving forward quickly once they've fixed their issues smile It's the whole not fixing issues and still moving forward quickly that drives me nuts!

Cuidadora, thanks for catching that typo! I fixed it. Obviously, I didn't post early. I honestly didn't even think about it. Sorry!

Virginia, I love the "Kyrptonite spiked bat"! I would hope that Clark's nervousness would be enough to drive her to read the whole thing even if it was wretched smile I mean, really, when in the show do you see Clark that visibly nervous?

Christina, which fic was that? Must have slid into my subconscious smile I did use Knight as a last name b/c I love HappyGirl's "Man Under the Suit"--such a good fic!

Bakasi, thanks for the comment! Glad you're enjoying the fic! Hopefully all the heartbreak gets sufficiently processed by the end to provide a better foundation for L&C and a more satisfying resolution for the rest of us smile

"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." JTK to EK (City on the Edge of Forever)