Hmmm... I'm not faring so well with this one and I suspect that as the stories get longer, I'll get even worse. I haven't had as much time to read fanfic this past year as I would have liked. If this quiz is anything to go by, it looks like I've missed some fun stories.

The only one I could get for sure from the quote was
10. Conspiracy Theory, by Virginia R.

My guesses from the quotes are:

1. Alone, by Deadly Chakram
2. The Letter, by Katherine Kent
3. What a Gentleman Desires - The Continuation, by Susan Young
4. Unlike Any Other (Lois's POV), by Deadly Chakram
5. The Psychic's Tale, by Annie B.
6. Thanksgiving 2015 - Matchmaker Chronicles Vol. 1 CG1, by KenJ
7. Either Earth's Calling or Prayers Answered, both by Deadly Chakram. I'll go with Earth's Calling.
8. No idea. I'll guess Forgiveness (Father Paul's POC) by Deadly Chakram
9. OK. This one I'll guess to be Prayers Answered, by Deadly Chakram

And, of course, I gave my answer to #10 above.

The only change I'll make based on the excerpts is:
8. The Truth abot Clark Kent, by NostalgiaKick

Another fun quiz. Thanks, Susan.
