Hi Vicki!

A chance encounter between two strangers leads to Clark's worst nightmare.
Huh…Lois and Mayson before Season 2? Lois and Lana before Season 3?

"I'll have the tomato and mozzarella salad with the balsamic vinaigrette with the grilled shrimp. And an ice water with lemon," the woman said, folding her menu and handing it back to the waitress, whose name she'd already forgotten.
The obvious choice would be Lois. Although, she’s not been *that* particular when ordering, the name-forgetting does work for her.

Three short interviews, all thankfully being shot at the same location.
Shot? Hmm…Okay, so it’s Diana Stride?

Wait a minute! her brain screamed at her, dragging her eyes back to the gentleman sitting a few tables away on her right side. Is that who I think it is?
Clark? Well…Superman?

As discreetly as she could, she studied the man. His eyes, the set of his jaw, the mole over his lip, the lopsided smile that he gave to the waitress as she brought over his lunch.
Yep, Superman.

So that's what he does when he's not off saving lives, she mused to herself. He goes incognito and mingles with the rest of us. Hmmm...I wonder...
The Top Copy origin story, then?

The way he tried to turn away and make it look like a natural movement when a family of seven walked by his table.
He’d make a good spy? If he died his hair blonde and grew a beard, that is.

"I want to tell you all about Top Copy's newest explosive expose."

Barry Letterman sat eating his steak sandwich,
BARRY: What? What?

followed by a nine year old's birthday party.
Followed by the nine year old’s divorced mother’s post-birthday party?

After all, it wasn't like he was hurting anyone by doing it.
BARRY: *What*?

That was fun! With an unexpected twist on top laugh

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.