Hi Mouserocks!

post a story that I've had half-finished on my hard drive for *coughcough* three new years now...
Three years? Now that’s nothing!

December 31, 1976
So, ten y/o Clark.

Clark couldn't believe it. Here it was, New Year's eve just barely fifteen minutes away, and he kept having to shake his parents awake on the couch. How could they possibly sleep?
He’s ten years old! He should be in bed shock

Perhaps they were all out at the town’s New Year’s party. Yes, that had to be it. Even in the sleepy town of Smallville, they had to celebrate the coming of the new year.
Somewhere around six in the evening in Smallville: Okay, folks! That was the New Year’s celebration in London. I hope you’ll all have had a fun night but its late now and we should all head to bed. Tomorrow, the fields must be plowed again and the cows taken care of.
LANA: cat

. The lights, the music, the entire display-- it was invigorating. He bounced slightly on the couch up and down as the last sixty seconds of the countdown began.
Maybe they should stop feeding him raw sugar three meals a day.

Jonathan chuckled and smiled at his wife over the top of their son’s head. As over-eager as Clark was, they still couldn’t begrudge him his excitement. Just seeing his eyes all lit up was enough for them.
MARTHA: Those damn New Yorkers. Why couldn’t they do a less exciting show? That way, Clark could watch the fireworks over the Tower Bridge at 5pm, like the rest of the normal folks. But no, it *has* to be Times Square. It’s an hour after our bedtime now, Clarkie, I’ll head to bed. G’night, sweetiepie.

He wrinkled his nose and uttered the obligatory “gross” at them,

December 31, 1977

Lois hid halfway up the stairs, twisting her unkempt brown hair in her fingers,
Oooh! Her 10th New Year!

The door cracked open briefly and a pair of frightened brown eyes peeked out at her. After ascertaining that it was only Lois, Lucy quickly opened the door wide for her sister before shutting it behind her equally as fast.
[Linked Image]

She could write, but what exactly? She wasn’t in the mood to write a story with a happy ending, and any poetry was likely to come out much darker than she intended.
Hmmm…1981. The height of the Cold War. She could write about a pre-emptive nuclear strike by the USSR on the stroke of midnight. That way, the sky would light up with more than fireworks. So…too dark?
LITTLE LOIS: [Linked Image]

Disappointment was apart of that, she had come to accept.

That’s just the way it is.
[Linked Image]

December 31, 1983

“Say cheese!” the photographer spoke with a grin.

Clark wrapped his arm around his date and smiled broadly at the camera. “Cheese!”
17. Hmm… Too early for Lana?

And as of last year, when he made varsity on the school’s football team, Clark had suddenly known what it was to be popular. And Lana finally noticed him again.
And she’s the welcome bandwagon for the team to jump on?

Time, and mostly that accidental winning touchdown that he’d gotten a couple of months ago in the playoffs game.

He saw his mother’s nose wrinkle slightly in distaste. He knew what she thought of Lana, but he also knew it wasn’t something he was prepared to get into now. “Don’t—”
She will be voted Pregnant Teen of the Year by the time it’s summer?

“You sure? You know I can slip you something stronger, if you need it.”

Clark shrugged and spoke softly, but a glint of humor was in his eye. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Alcohol doesn’t affect me.”

Martha put a hand on her hip and pointed a serving spoon at him with a frown. “Excuse me, young man?”
laugh And oops? Also, that must have been fun, telling the 18-20 y/os that they’re not allowed to drink anymore but will be again in a few years.

It’s just… he’s not really moving that fast. I’m pretty sure he has no idea what he’s doing in the, uh, romance department, you know?”
Yeah, and she’s a bit of a fast one, huh?

“Well, would you go all the way with Brad if he asked?”

“And just to be clear, he is asking…”

Did he really want to be with someone who was only going to put him down all the time?
LOIS: wave

The look that materialized on Lana Lang’s face would have been priceless, if it didn’t cut him to the core. This was obviously not the conversation she had been expecting. “Wait a minute. Are you-- are you breaking up with me?”
LANA: cat He can’t do that, can he? I mean, I’m *LANA*!

Dawning seemed to read in Lana’s eyes, and her whole body language changed with a flip of blonde locks over her shoulder. “So that’s what this is about. You found out about Brad.”
A bit of a sociopath, isn’t she?

December 31, 1986
19 y/o Lois…

Lois stumbled along the hallway as the alcohol started to settle in a bit.
So, college party?

She steeled herself as she clumsily made her way along her path, determined to just get this over with.
What? Returning the booze to the air?

Sure, Paul had turned her down several times over since their first “date” a few weeks ago,
Oh dear. Self-inflicted drunkness + Paul + getting it owner with? She trying to have sex for the first time in a very romantic setting. Fireworks and everything? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if they were…half naked and then she releases the alcohol back into the air all over him?

Thank god he wasn’t here to see her, but then again--

Hello Linda!

wide eyes and bottle blonde hair and skin and sheets, draped over none other than--


He swore and tried to cover up. “Uh, Lois! I, uh, I was going to call--”

She swung open the door to her room and slammed it swiftly behind her. As she unceremoniously deposited herself on her mattress,
clap Drunken Lois is fun!

1987 was going to be her year. And there wasn’t a damn thing anybody else could do about it.
Other than steal her story.

He hadn't known that, in reality, he had ended up helping a prisoner of the Gujarat government escape custody. Not until afterwards, when it was aired on the local news station.

He wasn’t sure if the owners and cooks really had that much experience with those various types of entrees, but he highly doubted it.
Like a restaurant selling Indian food, pizza, kebab, and local cuisine.

December 31, 1993
Lookie there!

Lois swung her hips to the music, her movements loosened and exaggerated by the application of one two many sips of bubbly.

An eyeroll— back to the Lois he knew. “It’s not a big deal, Clark. Can’t a girl come to her best friend’s rescue? You looked like you were being mauled.”

December 31, 1999

Lois groaned and shifted uncomfortably as her husband raced across the tv screen in full Superman regalia.
Sounds preggers to me.

”A lot of people are excited but nervous for the new millennium. Do you have any words of advice for the public tonight as we head into the year 2000?”
[Linked Image]
SUPERMAN: I also brought towels for everyone.

swapping stories with Martha and Ellen and Sam.
Jonathan? sad

*****THE END*****
Aww…Nice telling of some of their New Years.

wave Michael

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