Do you know what the only torture worse than a 24 hour death by poison is??? Going back to the house I grew up in only to find the computers barely work and the internet was down!!! whinging My mom is ready to institutionalize me! And from reading through this thread, I at least see that I'm not the only one!!!!

And some passages had me smiling ear to ear, tears in my eyes, my heart ready to burst... like these:

I just think... maybe we should... I don’t know, take some time to... well, date or something? Before making a decision?”

“Really?” That clearly shocked him. “I thought... well, that now you’re going to be okay you wouldn’t want to be tied... I mean, you’d never have married me otherwise...”

Wouldn’t she? Even leaving aside the Clark-Kent-is-Superman thing, which now didn’t seem quite so astonishing as it had yesterday - amazing how quickly it was possible to get used to even the strangest of things - Clark had become special to her over the past months in a way that no-one else ever had. Ever. Even if he hadn’t been Superman, he’d been her hero yesterday in every way.

And, in the midst of her fear and confusion after being attacked, it had been Clark, not Superman, she’d called for...

“Maybe not this soon.” She gave him a crooked smile. “I was doing a pretty good job of refusing to notice what a wonderful guy you are. But you were doing a pretty good job of getting under my guard, all the same.
YES!!! dance Woo hoo!!!

ps- I'm not sure this is the type of story that would get a sequel normally, but I for one would love to see these two all legally married and going on that first date, lol... maybe something called 48 Hours!? Another crazy ride? Something else at stake!? Love being explored! You've totally got more in you! RIGHT!!?!?! wink