Only six chapters of this? Even though we're only in the second, I already feel bereft at the idea of it ending so quickly. Strange, I know.

But I just loved this installment. Getting a glimpse into Clark's world both through Lois' eyes and via his journal was just wonderful.

Lois Watched and made notes, and wondered how someone could give so much to others and take nothing back in return.

Clark's loneliness was palpable to me and it really tugged at my heartstrings. I liked the references to the moments we actually saw on the show and being able to get Clark's perspective on them. I also enjoyed reading the moments of pride and confidence that he noted in the journal. The poor guy deserves them, and much more.

I want to give him a hug. But I think he'd be happier if Lois did, so I'll just root for that, in whatever form they will (hopefully) make contact. wink

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."