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Posted By: Incognito FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 06:13 AM
Only six chapters of this? Even though we're only in the second, I already feel bereft at the idea of it ending so quickly. Strange, I know.

But I just loved this installment. Getting a glimpse into Clark's world both through Lois' eyes and via his journal was just wonderful.

Lois Watched and made notes, and wondered how someone could give so much to others and take nothing back in return.

Clark's loneliness was palpable to me and it really tugged at my heartstrings. I liked the references to the moments we actually saw on the show and being able to get Clark's perspective on them. I also enjoyed reading the moments of pride and confidence that he noted in the journal. The poor guy deserves them, and much more.

I want to give him a hug. But I think he'd be happier if Lois did, so I'll just root for that, in whatever form they will (hopefully) make contact. wink
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 07:20 AM
I just caught up with the first 2 parts. They are great. Poor Clark! Sooo sad!

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 08:01 AM
The idea of Lois being - as Yvonne put it - a trainee guardian angel, still strikes me as so hilarious that I want to make all sorts of angel jokes here - or, in this case, angel and computer jokes. Like now you know who's been messing with your computer when it won't work, and there is nothing like a good password to keep the heavenly host out of your files, and you really need a fanfare to alert you when an angel is invading your private cyberspace! goofy goofy

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 09:16 AM
Fantastic and beautiful! hyper
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 10:56 AM
This has been an interesting look at Clark's loneliness and confusion in his new role as Superman.

I enjoyed reading Lois's glimpses into his life, seeing his books, his knick-knacks and his photo of her. That must have really surprised her.

And Angel Lois is no different than live Lois. If she wants to get into anything, she finds a way even if a password is involved.
The file opened.
She was almost surprised when there was no accompanying fanfare of trumpets.

Can't wait to read more.

Posted By: YConnell Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 12:03 PM
Like Gerry, I enjoyed seeing Clark's homelife through Lois's eyes. Actually, perhaps 'enjoyed' isn't the right word - seeing him just sit there with his eyes closed until bedtime was dreadful. Poor Clark! Mind you, he could get off his backside and find a hobby, couldn't he? laugh

Loved Lois's snooping and, of course, the non-fanfare when she broke into his computer.

Interesting that Lana exaggerated their sex life so gaudily. I'm not sure I'd have expected that from the Lana we met, but then again, perhaps she thought that was a better way to go than admitting the opposite.

Anyway, I'm still intrigued. Will Clark meet angel-Lois? Will angel-Lois return to Flesh form? Or...ooh! Will Clark die and join Lois as an angel? laugh

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/17/05 01:07 PM
Well Yvonne it looks like this Clark needs George badly. Since George isn't one of the characters, Lois angel will have to do. So now how can she become flesh again for Clark. Killing Clark would not work here because this world still needs Superman. Maybe a trip back in time will do the trip? Looking forward to finding out how you clear up this mess. Laura
Posted By: Krissie Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/18/05 03:54 PM
Thank you, all of you, for the comments. I appreciate each and every one of them! smile

Ann, you said:
He told me that I shouldn't give up hope of finding my world's Lois... He told me that he doesn't like the word impossible... But this world's Lois is dead. Well, obviously, because that's why she is an angel. Does H.G. Wells know that this Lois is dead? And if so, does he still think it's not impossible for her and Clark to get together, have descendants and create Utopia?
I don't want to answer this point here and now because anything I say will spoil what is ahead. All I will say is that, when I wrote this part, I had in my mind that H G Wells is fallible. Quite frankly, he didn't know what he was talking about.

And, no, H G Wells is most certainly not responsible for Lois being assigned to Watch over Clark.

I'm about to post part three. I would not normally post parts this quickly, but I want to be done by Christmas. Mind you, the more I write, the more I think this isn't so much a Christmas story as a story that happens to be set around Christmas.

Chris (who hopes that she will be able to keep people guessing until the very end)
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Some Kind of Angel (2/6) - 12/18/05 05:29 PM

Great part. clap
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