I was wondering about the horse. Clearly, it couldn't be kept in his uncle's stable. It would be too recognizable as the Avenger's horse.
Definitely! People did pay more attention to horses back then. The Avenger needs horses that won't be recognized. Also, in those days, the stable hands slept above or near the stables, so if Cedric was fetching his horse (or returning it) at odd hours, they would know.

So, the attacks on his neighbors and house-guests increased since the new Earl arrived at the manor house. Could someone be trying to frame Lucius?
No neighborhood, no matter how nice, is ever immune to some theft or wrong doing. But, before Lucius returned home as the Earl, they had never seen anything on the scale of what they're currently experiencing.

Am I the only one excited that Lavinia doesn't have to spend the day with Lucius?!
She doesn't have to ride with him that day, because she stayed in her room so long, but that only takes care of an hour or so. As for the rest of the day ... we'll see. :-)
Personally, I too am happy for her when she doesn't have to be with Lucius!