Cedric--hopefully you'll get back here quick...I'm very much looking forward to--'Cedric & Lavinia: The New Adventures of the Masked Avenger'
LOL! They could go around saving England ... one county at a time!

I've been actively reading here on the boards for a few years now, Chris. The stories that have posted during that timeframe have been amazing. Welcome back and Enjoy
Thanks, Laura! It's great to be back, and I've liked what I've read so far. I've been keeping to the shorter ones to begin with, but I'm looking forward to tackling the longer ones as I get more time. Our first grandchild is only three weeks old. We're lucky that the kids live close by, so I'm over there helping out 3-4 times a week. You'll be glad to know that I've already promised him that we'll watch L&C eps together when he's older. ;-)