Thanks for the feedback. I'm sure I can handle the re-write. Writing is mostly about re-writing, isn't it? At least in my experience! As the saying goes, "if I had a dollar for every time I've had to re-write something ...!" :-)

My main concern was for the people who have already started reading MA and have sent such nice comments and encouragement. I've posted 12 parts of what is a 46 part story. Should I just continue posting the story as it is, without the Tante Mathilde character? Or, should I stop for a while, do the re-writes and then begin posting again?

I can see advantages to both ways. If I continue posting the story as it is now, other changes may be suggested and I could do them at the same time that I'm incorporating Tante into it. OTOH, people may prefer to read the next draft, with the Tante character in it. I've got three sheets of notes made already, and I'm actually liking her more than I did when I first met her 15 years ago. It will get done; it's just a matter of when.

Maybe I should ask for a show of hands. wave